Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quick and easy sponge cake recipe/kek span cepat dan mudah

Cnp from Best betul dapat buat kek macam ni.... Sonang n sodap. Tak caya cuba la... Saya punya kek ni merekah skit kat tengah dia tapi jangan risau biar sejuk nanti rekahan tu rapat semua....

150 gm mentega
150 gm gula kastor (saya kurang jadi 100 gm sahaja)
150 gm tepung naik sendiri (saya guna tepung gandum campur dengan 1 sk serbuk penaik)
4 biji telur
Saya tambah 1 sb esen vanila dan 1 sb susu pekat


Satukan semua bahan dalam mangkuk pengadun dan pukul sebati sampai gebu dan berkrim.

Tuangkan dalam bekas yang telah di alas dengan kertas dan di gris.

Bakar dalam oven pada suhu 180°c selama 40 minit atau hingga masak.

***untuk kali ni saya buat mable....bahagikan kepada empat warna dan tuangkan secara berlapis2....

Resepi ni sesuai sangat kalau nak buat victorian sandwich cake. Bahagikan aje adunan kepada dua bahagian dan bakar setiap satunya menggunakan loyang 8 inci atau 20 cm. Bila dah siap sejukkan dan sandwichkan dua2nya dgn jem kesukaan dan taburkan atasnya dengan icing sugar.

Original version

This recipe is for a quick and easy, ‘all in one’ sponge cake. Probably the easiest recipe for cake you will ever find, without compromising on taste! All you need to make your cake are the following ingredients:

8oz (150g) margarine/butter
8oz (150g) caster sugar (or granulated is fine if you don’t have caster sugar)
8oz (150g) self raising flour
4 eggs


Simply place all the ingredients in a mixing bowl or an electric mixer and beat well, until soft and creamy.

Divide the mixture between 2 well greased 8 inch (20cm) round cake tins. Bake in the centre of a preheated oven (180°C/ 350°C/ Gas Mark 4) for 40 minutes or until golden brown and springy to touch (or an inserted knife comes out clean).

Remove from the oven and leave in the tins for 10 minutes to cool then turn onto a wired rack to cool completely. When cold sandwich the two cakes together with jam, and dust with icing sugar or ice as required. This quick and easy cake recipe is otherwise known as sponge cake or Victoria sponge.

Exactly the same mixture can also be used for a  bun recipe. To make 12 buns simply halve the above cake recipe.

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