Monday, July 1, 2013

Sardine roll

Resepi saya cnp dari myresepi. Dulu2, masa zaman sekolah menengah, kuih ni memang femes dan berprestasi tinggi..... Mcm lebih kurang makanan orang kaya/orang bando jer la (macam saya orang kampung mana penah dengar dan makan benda2 macam tu) Tapi hari ni, saya berjaya buat sendiri.....lalala sukernyer dalam hati....

( Untuk Pastri - 27 biji small size )
300 gm Tepung Gandum
120 gm Mentega Sejuk
3 sb Air Sejuk
Secubit Garam

Cara-cara Untuk Pastri :)
Ayak Tepung Gandum bersama Garam ke dalam mangkuk.
Potong mentega sejuk kepada saiz 1 cm dan masukkan kedalam adunan tepung.
Ramas tepung dengan mentega sejuk sehingga menjadi seperti breadcrumb @ serbuk roti. Masukkan air sejuk sedikit demi sedikit dan uli hingga doh licin & tak melekat di tangan.
Balut doh dengan plastic wrap dan masukkan dalam peti sejuk sebelum sediakan inti.


Untuk bahan-bahan untuk inti

1 Tin Besar Sardin
1 Biji Bawang Besar - Dihiris *
3 Ulas Bawang Putih *
5 Biji Cili Api (boleh tambah kalau nak pedas lagi)
1 Biji Lada Merah - Dihiris
Secubit Gula
1 - 2 biji limau kasturi


Asingkan sardin dengan sos dan hancurkan.
Bahan-bahan bertanda ( * ) ditumbuk halus dan tumis sehingga wangi
Masukkan hirisan bawang besar & tumis bersama hingga layu.
Masukkan 3 sudu besar sos sardin yang telah diasingkan tadi.
Tumis hingga garing. Masukkan sardin yang telah dihancurkan tadi, lada merah yang dihiris dan perasakan dengan garam, gula & limau kasturi. Tumis hingga betul² garing.
Cara menyediakan Sardine Roll
Canai nipis pastri & potong kepada sais segi empat tepat (saiz roll terpulang pada citarasa. Saya buat kecil²)
Masukkan sedikit inti sardin & gulung. Susun dalam dulang pembakar & sapukan permukaan roll dengan kuning telur
Dengan menggunakan hujung gunting, gunting sedikit permukaan roll tadi & bakar sehingga kuning keemasan.

Ni pulak resepi dari kuali hasil perkongsian amy beh. Lain sikit adunan pastrynya. Ada letak telur dan beberapa bahan lain. Next time bole cuba yang ini pula kan...

Sardine Rolls


Puff pastry:

175g pastry margarine (leave aside at room temperature)
475g plain flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
90 ml corn oil
1 small egg, lightly beaten
310ml ice-cold water
1 tbsp lime juice
1/4 tsp salt


1 can (150g) sardines, drained and mashed
1 onion, chopped
1 tbsp chilli sauce
1 tbsp oil
Seasoning:Juice of 1 lime
Sugar and salt to taste
Dash of pepper
Glaze (combine and lightly beat):
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp water
Pinch of salt


Sift the flour and baking powder together. Combine water, lime juice and salt.
Roll out pastry margarine between two plastic sheets into an 18cm x 14cm rectangle.
Place rolled-out pastry in the freezer to chill for 10 to 15 minutes.
Place sifted flour in a mixing bowl; add corn oil and egg.
Mix lightly with fingertips until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Stir in the combined water and lime juice and knead lightly until a soft (though not too sticky) dough is formed.
Remove dough out onto a lightly-floured tabletop.
Dust lightly with flour and roll out into a rectangle twice the size of the rolled-out pastry piece.
Place pastry margarine in the centre of the dough. Fold over one side to cover the pastry margarine, then fold over the other side to cover.
Roll out pastry into a rectangle again. Fold over as you did previously.
Roll out and fold again. The triple folding and rolling process will produce layers.
Finally, roll out the pastry into a big rectangle of about 1/4cm thickness.
Cut out into 9cm x 6cm pieces.For the filling, heat oil in a nonstick pan.
Add onions and fry till aromatic. Add sardines, chilli sauce and seasoning.
Fry till the mixture becomes rather dry. Dish out and cool before use.
Place a teaspoon of sardine filling on one end of each 9 x 6 piece pf pastry.
Roll up swiss-roll style. Seal the edges with beaten egg white.
Place the rolls on a baking tray. Bake in preheated oven at 180ºC for 20 to 25 minutes or until rolls turn golden brown.
Remove trays from the oven and brush each roll with egg glaze.

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