Ke timur tengah kita hari pilihan chicken zurbian (Zerbian, zurbiyaan, zerbaian, zarbian) rice....Resepinya simple ajer....jom la cuba.
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Menu ni katanya menu istinewa utk majlus keraian seperti perkahwinan....raya atau menyambut tetamu istimewa. Ada banyak versi resepi ni....ada yg saya baca tu letak tomato dan beberapa rempah berlainan......resepi yang saya share ni antara yang mudah...
Chicken zurbian rice
1 tbsp. oil (1 sb minyak masak)
½ onion chopped (1/2 biji bawang besar cincang)
3 cloves garlic, minced (3 ulas bawang putih cincang)
½ green chili, optional (1/2 biji cili hijau jika duka)
* 1 ½ tsp. salt (1 1/2 sk garam jika suka)
* ¾ tsp. turmeric (3/4 sk serbuk kunyit)
* ½ tsp. coriander (1/2 sk serbuk ketumbar)
* ½ tsp ground cumin(1/2 serbuk jintan putih)
* ½ tsp ground black pepper(1/2 serbuk lada hitam)
* ½ tsp cinnamon(1/2 sk serbuk kulit kayu manis )
* 3-4 cardamom pods(3-4 biji buah pelaga)
* 3-4 whole cloves (3-4 kuntum bunga cengkih)
5 cups water (5 cawan air )
1.5-2 lbs. chicken (1 ekor ayam potong 8 )
2 cups basmati rice (2 cawan beras basmathi )
Cashews, Almonds, and Golden raisins for serving (gajus, almond dan kismis untuk tabur jika suka)
½ onion chopped (1/2 biji bawang besar cincang)
3 cloves garlic, minced (3 ulas bawang putih cincang)
½ green chili, optional (1/2 biji cili hijau jika duka)
* 1 ½ tsp. salt (1 1/2 sk garam jika suka)
* ¾ tsp. turmeric (3/4 sk serbuk kunyit)
* ½ tsp. coriander (1/2 sk serbuk ketumbar)
* ½ tsp ground cumin(1/2 serbuk jintan putih)
* ½ tsp ground black pepper(1/2 serbuk lada hitam)
* ½ tsp cinnamon(1/2 sk serbuk kulit kayu manis )
* 3-4 cardamom pods(3-4 biji buah pelaga)
* 3-4 whole cloves (3-4 kuntum bunga cengkih)
5 cups water (5 cawan air )
1.5-2 lbs. chicken (1 ekor ayam potong 8 )
2 cups basmati rice (2 cawan beras basmathi )
Cashews, Almonds, and Golden raisins for serving (gajus, almond dan kismis untuk tabur jika suka)
How to make
1. Saute garlic, onion, and pepper in oil over medium heat until browned.
Tumis bawang putih, bawang dan lada hitam hingga keperangan.
2. Add salt, turmeric, coriander, cumin, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves to onion mixture. Add chicken and cook until brown on the outside.
Tambah * dan kacau seketika. Masukkan ayam dan masak hingga keperangan.
3. Add water and cook the chicken on medium heat for about 20-30 minutes if using a pressure cooker, or more if cooking in a regular pot.
Tambah air dan biarkan ayam masak sepenuhnya.
NOTE: Dark meat chicken will give the broth a better flavor, but the rice may be too greasy. I use a combination of dark and white meat chicken for the best flavor.

Saya keluarkan ayam sebelum masukkan beras sebab senang nak agak jumlah air.
5. Cook the rice uncovered on medium heat for about 10 minutes, until the rice is about 2/3 cooked through and there is just a little bit of liquid left.
Air mesti tinggal sekurang2nya 2 1/2 cawan untuk memasak nasi. Masukkan beras dan masak hingga air kering. Kecilkan api dan masukkan ayam, kismis dan cili hijau.
6. Now reduce the heat to low and cover the pot, do not seal the cooker. Let the rice steam for another 10 minutes until all liquid is absorbed.
Tutup periuk dan kecilkan api. Biarkan nasi masak sepenuhnya lebih kurang 5 - 10 minit.
NOTE: Watch the rice during this stage and if the rice is burning at the bottom of the pot add water a tablespoon at a time. When all water is absorbed and rice is cooked through, turn off heat and let sit in the pot about 10 minutes before serving.
7. Garnish with a handful of raisins, almonds, and cashews.
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