Lauk yang dipadankan dengan nasi minyak arab (resepi kat sini yer)...sedap kata tetamu2 saya tapi saya tak rasa lagi....takde selera sbb demam.
Arabic Seven Spice Roasted Chicken
1kg / 2lb skinless chicken
2 tbsp Arabic 7-Spice (baharat) - or - a generous dusting of cinnamon and allspice plus a dash of nutmeg or cloves
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp olive oil
(I added 3 tbsp of honey)
Salt and pepper, to taste
Preheat the oven to 180C / 350F.Pat the chicken pieces dry to remove any excess moisture. Place the chicken and all of the spices in a roasting pan (metal and ceramic are both great) or a baking sheet. Drizzle over the olive oil, and toss together thoroughly to coat. Season with salt and pepper.Cover the pan tightly with foil, and roast for 1 hour.
Remove the foil and continue roasting for an additional 30 minutes, occasionally basting the chicken in the pan juices, until the skin is golden brown and the meat is coming off the bone. Heat the broiler, and let the chicken crisp up for 2-3 minutes at the very end of cooking.Serve immediately or at room temperature.

Sambal salsa:
1 biji tomato ~ hiris
1 biji bawang besar ~ hiris
5 biji cili besar hijau (nk pedas tmbh lagi, nak letak cili padi pun boleh) ~ hiris
1 pokok daun ketumbar ~ dihiris halus
Perahan lemon.
Cara penyediaan:~
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