
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pelbagai resepi kobis bungkus kukus/Stuffed steamed cabbage

Idea nak masak ni dapat dari member ofis hari khamis lepas. saya pilih daging cincang sebagai inti. Rasanya sedap, ada kelainan dalam menu masakan....Kengkadang kena ubah menu supaya family terus berselera untuk menjamah makanan. Di sini saya share beberapa resepi lain yang saya jumpa dalam web tu... Saya gunakan resepi kedua daripada hazila. Utk sos, saya cilok resepi teratak cinta nazmie.

3 keping daun kobis (selai2)
dicelur terlebih dahulu di dalam air mendidih dan toskan ke tepi

1 mangkuk udang dibuang kulit (dlm15 ekor udang bersaiz sederhana)
1 biji bawang merah - dipotong dadu
1 biji tomato - dipotong dadu
2 sudu cili ciling
garam+gula secukup rasa
sedikit minyak untuk menumis

tumiskan kesemua bahan diatas sehingga naik bau, kemudian baru masukkan udang dan tumis hingga udang masak kemudian ketepikan dan sejukkan

masukkan inti ke dalam daun kobis yang telah dicelur, kemudian bungkus dan sepitkan dengan lidi@cungkil gigi dan ketepikan

3 sudu cili giling
3 sudu sos cili
garam+gula secukup rasa
1 biji bawang besar - dipotong subang
sedikit air
sedikit minyak untuk menumis

tumiskan cili giling dan sos tomato sehingga garing, kemudian masukkan air, garam dan gula dan biarkan mendidih, kemudian barulah masukkan bawang subang dan juga kobis yang telah dibungkus tadi... dan masakkan dalam 1@2minit dan sedia untuk dihidangkan

Daging bungkus kobis
Bahan bahan
10 lembar daun kobis - dicelur hingga layu
1 biji cili merah - dipotong-potong
300 gms daging cincang
1 biji putih telur
2 sudu makan bawang besar yg telah dicincang
1 ulas bawang putih dicincang
1 sudu makan sos ikan
1 sudu teh lada sulah
1 sudu teh garam
1/2 sudu teh gula
  • Campur bahan inti menjadi satu, gaul hingga sebati.
  • Siapkan lembaran kobis yang sudah dicelur, isi dengan adunan inti dan tambahkan potongan cili besar ditengahnya.
  • Padatkan inti dan gulung hingga kemas. Ulang hingga selesai.
  • Kukus hingga masak. Boleh dihidangkan dengan sos yang sesuai.


Bahan-bahan (untuk inti)
1 cawan udang atau stick ketam (boleh juga di gunakan isi ikan atau daging)
2 cendawan shitake - di mayang 
1 batang lobak merah - saiz sederhana - potong seperti mancis
1 biji telur di rebus dan potong halus
1 sudu teh minyak bijan

Bahan untuk kulit
6 kelopak kobis cina - di celur dengan air panas hingga lembut

Bahan untuk kuah 
2/4 cawan air + 1 kiub ayam maggi dan 1 sudu tepung jagung 
1 sudu teh kicap cair
1/4 sudu teh lada sulah 

Cara membuatnya :

1. Campurkan semua bahan untuk inti, masukkan ke dalam mangkuk dan perasakan dengan lada sulah dan sedikit garam.
2. Ambil sedikit inti dan letakkan di atas kobis yang telah di celur tadi da gulungkan seperti kuih dadar.
3. Aturkan ke dalam pinggan dan tuangkan kuah.
4. Kukus selama 10 hingga 15minit dan hidangkan.

Steamed Cabbage Dim-Sum Dumplings


Makes 10 cabbage rolls

5 large cabbage leaves (I used a January King, wrinkly savoy would be pretty too)
300g beef/chicken mince
1 bunch of spring onions, finely chopped
1/2" piece of ginger, finely chopped
1 tbsp good soy sauce (traditionally brewed and fermented)
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
generous dash of white pepper

Dipping sauce
2 tbsp good soy sauce
2 tbsp black rice vinegar
(opt, not for the s) chilli oil

1. In a large bowl, mix the ginger, soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil with the beef/chicken, stirring vigorously in one direction till the mixture comes together. Gather the ball of mixture and slap it back down into the bowl repeatedly. These tips are important! They will result in a better springier texture.
Stir in the spring onions after that or they get mushed up (I realised this from experience) then leave to marinade.

2. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil, and blanch the cabbage leaves so they become more flexible and easy to work with. Refresh in cold water and pat dry. Slice each leaf into half, removing the hard stalk in the meanwhile (don't waste, just pop into your mouth;)

3. To wrap, place 1 tbsp of filling in the centre of the leaf wrapper. Bring the bottom up, the sides together, and then roll away from you, till you get a nice tight cabbage roll.
4. Arrange the cabbage dumplings on a lined bamboo steamer, or you can simply use a plate set over a steaming rack. Steam for 8-10 min till cooked.
5. Serve warm with the soy-vinegar dipping sauce.
I think the savoy cabbage really just begs to be stuffed, its large, beautifully wrinkled leaves serving as the perfect wrap, but you can use any cabbage really. The leaves become really soft and delicate after steaming, so you can easily bite through into the savoury, juicy pork-and-spring-onion filling. And the super simple vinegar soy dipping sauce just adds that bit of acidity which complements each bite really well, I think it'd be nicer with shreds of ginger in it too actually.
**** You can of course stuff it with your filling of choice. Prawns, maybe water chestnuts or something crunchy, and if you want to use chicken, make sure it's kind of fatty, i.e. not breast meat. I've done something similar before in spring with collard greens, "pseudo-lmades"; they're larger so I stuffed them with rice, toasted nuts, sweet raisins and lots of fresh herbs, but anyway, this is just so you know you can really stuff these cabbage dumplings with whatever you want!

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